On my web search for a sourdough pizza crust recipe I stumbled across a reference to Vanessa Kimbell's "The Sourdough School" book. The subtitle is what caught my attention; "The Groundbreaking Guide to making GUT-Friendly Bread". Vanessa's story is that she developed an intolerance to bread after a heavy dose of antibiotic therapy. Four years without bread and then a trip to France where she had learned to make bread and was able to enjoy healthy sourdough without gut wrenching agony.
I bought the $3 Kindle version and found her theory aligned with my experience with homemade sourdough. I have developed a wheat sensitivity the last few years and too much white bread causes me to experience sleep apnea like symptoms. My EZ sourdough recipe in the Baking category of this forum was part of my experiment. The same exact recipe made with standard bakers yeast verses sourdough starter was my proof. Both versions used the overnight refrigerator fermentation technique and both turned out a beautiful loafs but even with the overnight ferment the yeast version gave me night snorts. I thought I was on to something and had taken bread baking to the absolute most simplistic level. No need to manage the starter completely eliminates a step.
Needless to say, I only make true sourdough now. The bread transformation that occurs with the ancient sourdough technique converts flour into a much healthier product allowing maximum absorption of the flour nutrients that our guts simply is not able to digest in the yeast version.
The book is definitely worth a read and has a lot of extra steps in the bread making process that are worth exploring. If you take the time to incorporate all the extra steps and can actually say the bread is so much better than they might be worth it. However, I'm a big fan of easy.